Annwyl Riant / Warcheidwad,
Rydym wedi gweithio yn galed yr wythnos diwethaf i godi presenoldeb. Y tymor diwethaf roedd presenoldeb trwy’r ysgol gyfan yn 93%. Mae hyn yn gynnydd o 3% ar y flwyddyn flaenorol.
Ni fyddwn yn caniatau gwyliau yn ystod y tymor oni bai bod gan deulu reswm arbennig. Oso es gennych reswm arbennig dors eich gwyliau mae angen cysylltu a’r ysgol er wmyn trafod a fedrwn ganiatau y gwyliau.
Os bydd disgybl/disgyblion yn colli mwy na 5 diwrnod o ysgol heb ganiatad yna gall yr ysgol wneud cais am Hysbysiad Gosb Penodedig. Cyn cyrraedd y pwynt yma bydd yr ysgol yn gwneud pob ymdrech i ymgysylltu a theuluoedd a gwella presenoldeb heb ddilyn y llwybr yma os yn bosib.
Dyddiadau Pwysig
2.2.2024 Eisteddfod yr sygol
12-16.2.2024 Hanner tymor
1.3.2024 Dydd Gwyl Dewi
7.3.2024 Diwrnod y Llyfr
22.3.2024 Diwrnod olaf y tymor
25.3.24 – 5.4.2024 Gwyliau Pasg
Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen
Ar ddydd Iau bu pawb yn dathlu Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen. Mwynhaodd y plant ddysgu stori Dwynwen, gwneud celf a chynllunio cardiau.
I ddysgu mwy am stori dwynwen dilynwch y linciau isod;
https://youtu.be/wE7sWDszxYg?si=j4Vd2lXYL3as62Ln - Sioe Mewn Cymeriad am Dwynwen
Radio Gwynllyw - YSGOL GYMRAEG GWYNLLYW (weebly.com) – Disgyblion Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw yn esbonio stori Dwynwen.
Disgybl yr Wythnos
Meithrin Nate
Derbyn Osian
Blwyddyn 1 Isla
Blwyddyn 2 Layne
Blwyddyn 3 Morgan
Blwyddyn 4 Laney-Del
Blwyddyn 5 Noah
Blwyddyn 6 Sebastian
Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos
Meithrin Reggie
Derbyn Daisy
Blwyddyn 1 Toby-Thomas
Blwyddyn 2 Lowri
Blwyddyn 3 Elijah
Blwyddyn 4 Jack
Blwyddyn 5 Colby
Blwyddyn 6 Dylan
Dear Parent / Guardian,
Our whole school attendance has improved this year. Last term our average attendance for the school was 93%. This is a 3% increase on 2022 so a big thank you to all families for working with us to improve attendance.
We are unable to authorise holidays during term time unless there are genuine exceptional circumstances. If there are exceptional circumstances for a holiday you are arranging please contact the school and we will treat each case individually and on its merits.
Fixed Penalty Notices
In some cases, it may be necessary for the school to consider a Fixed Penalty Notice if a child/children have more than 5 days of unauthorised absences.
This will only be used as a last resort and there will be many attempts by the school to work with parents to improve attendance before we get to this stage.
Rewarding good attendance
Our admin staff have developed a new reward system for good attendance. All pupils who have 100% attendance for a week are awarded a point. Over a term pupils gather attendance points and at the end of term they can use their points at our “Attendance Shop” to buy a reward. The more points pupils have collected over the term the more they can spend at the shop.
One Way System
We are having an increasing number of near misses in the mornings where parents dropping off drive straight down the hill towards the community centre and towards other cars that have dropped children off.
We kindly ask parents keep to a one way system of going down Shop Road and then back up the hill towards the main road.
Santes Dwynwen
On Thursday our pupils celebrated Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen. Santes Dwynwen is Wales’ patron saint for love – similar to St Valentine in the rest of the UK.
Children have learnt about Dwynwen’s life and have been busy creating art work and cards. If you would like to learn more about Dwynwen, this link has a short, child friendly film about her story;
Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw have also started a radio station led by their pupils.
This week’s topic is Dwynwen. Their next programme will be about Welsh music ready for Dydd Miwsic Cymru on February 9th
School Eisteddfod
We will be holding our school eisteddfod on Friday, February 2nd. Pupils can come to school wearing their team colours on Friday.
Urdd Eisteddfod
Due to Easter being early this year closing dates for some Urdd Eisteddfod. There are a large number of art competitions for the Urdd that children can take part in at home. The theme for all art work is “Energy”.
Here is a list of categories that children can enter;
T Shirt Design Design a T-Shirt (front on A4 and back on A4, present on A3) to convey any aspect or aspects of the theme Energy.
Cartoon Character Devise and create your own cartoon character. Draw and write about the character with a 150 word limit.
Upcoming dates
2.2.2024 School Eisteddfod. Children should come to school in team colours on this day. ** Please note, this is a change to the date previously advertised.
12-16.2.2024 Half-term holidays
1.3.2024 St David’s Day
7.3.2024 World Book Day (details to follow soon)
22.3.2024 Last Day of term
25.3.24 – 5.4.2024 Easter holidays
Disgybl yr Wythnos
Meithrin Nate
Derbyn Osian
Blwyddyn 1 Isla
Blwyddyn 2 Layne
Blwyddyn 3 Morgan
Blwyddyn 4 Laney-Del
Blwyddyn 5 Noah
Blwyddyn 6 Sebastian
Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos
Meithrin Reggie
Derbyn Daisy
Blwyddyn 1 Toby-Thomas
Blwyddyn 2 Lowri
Blwyddyn 3 Elijah
Blwyddyn 4 Jack
Blwyddyn 5 Colby
Blwyddyn 6 Dylan
Mwynhewch y penwythnos.
Enjoy the weekend!
Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Yours sincerely,
Mr. Rh ap Gwyn
Pennaeth / Headteacher