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Cylchlythyr 14.3.2025





Annwyl Riant / Warcheidwad,


Urdd Bae Caerdydd


Mwynhaodd Blwyddyn 4 a 5 ddeuddydd gwych yng Ngwersyll yr Urdd, Bae Caerdydd.

Cafodd pawb gyfle i ymwled a Techniquest, Sain Ffagan, bowlio 10, gwylio Dogman yn y sinema a thaith ffantastig o gwmpas y Bae ar gwch gyflym.

Mwynhaodd pawb yn enfawr ond doedd neb wedi cysgu llawer!




Eisteddfod Pontypwl


Mwynhaom nofer o berfformiadau gywch yn Eisteddfod Pontypwl. Llwyddodd nifer o ein disgyblion i ddod yn gyntaf, ail neu dryddydd y neu cystadlaethau.



Isabelle T        Canu                            1af

Eloise              Llefaru                        2il

Isobelle O        Celf                             3ydd

Dolcie             Celf                             2il

Oakley-Joe      Celf                             1af

Jake                 Llefaru                        2il

Maisie             Canu                            3ydd

Year 3             Llefaru grwp               3ydd

Year 2             Cor                              3ydd

Year 2             Llefaru grwp               2il


Llongyfarchiadau arbennig i Flwyddyn 2 am enill yr Eisteddfod ar gyfer eu grwp oedran.


Cyfarfodydd Cynnydd


Cofiwch ein bod yn cynnal cyfarfodydd cynnydd wythnos nesaf ar gyfer disgyblion ym mhob dosbarth. Os gwelwch yn dda, gwnewch pob ymdrech i fynychu fel y gallwc drafon cynnyd eich plentyn/plant gyda’i hathrawon.



Disgybl yr wythnos


Meithrin          Ni

Sbarc               Mason

Seren               Ollie S

Blwyddyn 3    Bella-Rose

Blwyddyn 4    Betsi

Blwyddyn 5    Jacob G

Blwyddyn 6    Stephen


Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos


Meithrin          Mabel

Sbarc               Evie

Seren               Isabella

Blwyddyn 3    Maci

Blwyddyn 4    Morgan

Blwyddyn 5    Ollie N




Dear Parent / Guardian,



This has been a very busy week at Ysgol Bryn Onnen. Year 2 and 3 have competed at the Pontypwl Eisteddfod, Years 4 and 5 have been staying overnight at the Urdd Camp in Cardiff Bay and Year 6 have worked with the Intergenerational group in Blaenafon.


Eisteddfod Pontypwl


We enjoyed fantastic performances from a large number of our pupils at the Pontypwl Eisteddfod.


Everyone performed brilliantly and here is a list of performers who made the first 3 places in their competitions


Isabelle T        Singing                        1st

Eloise              Recitation                   2nd

Isobelle O        Art                               3rd

Dolcie             Art                               2nd

Oakley-Joe      Art                               1st

Jake                 Recitation                   2nd

Maisie             Singing                        3rd

Year 3             Group Recitation        3rd

Year 2             Choir                           3rd

Year 2             Group Recitation        2nd


A very big well done to Year 2 for winning the Eisteddfod for their age group.




Urdd Cardiff Bay


Year 4 and 5 enjoyed a fabulous two days at the Urdd Centre in Cardiff Bay. Over the two days they visited Techniquest and St Fagan’s, played ten pin bowling, watched Dogman in the cinema and enjoyed a fabulous, fast boat ride around the bay.


Everyone had a wonderful time but none of us had much sleep.


Progress meetings


Remember we are having progress meetings next week for all classes. Please make every effort to attend so that you have an opportunity to discuss your child(ren)’s progress with their teachers.

Please try to be on time and keep to the ten minute slot allocated so that the evening runs smoothly.


Red Nose Day


Friday 21.3.25 is Red Nose Day. This year everyone is celebrating the 40th birthday of Red Nose Day. To celebrate pupils can dress up to look like people from the 1980s when Red Nose Day began.

Parents are also welcome to dress up in 80s clothing on the school run.


Please make any donations online, do not send money into school;



Disgybl yr wythnos


Meithrin          Ni

Sbarc               Mason

Seren               Ollie S

Blwyddyn 3    Bella-Rose

Blwyddyn 4    Betsi

Blwyddyn 5    Jacob G

Blwyddyn 6    Stephen


Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos


Meithrin          Mabel

Sbarc               Evie

Seren               Isabella

Blwyddyn 3    Maci

Blwyddyn 4    Morgan

Blwyddyn 5    Ollie N



Mwynhewch y penwythnos.


Enjoy the weekend!


Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Yours sincerely,


Mr. Rh ap Gwyn

 Pennaeth / Headteacher







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